Marianna Pavlovskaya




Phone: 212-772-5320
Office: 1003F HN


I am a Professor of Geography at Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center. I received a PhD in geography from Clark University and MA in Geography from Moscow State University. My research focuses on urban geography, feminist geography, and critical GIS (Geographic Information Science). I examine experiences of transition to capitalism in Russia and the production of economic difference there, including the production of poverty and work-related gendered migration in post-Soviet Russia. My work also looks at the role of the census and geo-spatial data in production of social ontologies. Currently, I work with a group of colleagues on geographies of the solidarity economy in the United States. Among other things, I research alternatives to capitalist finance in the United States as well as many other forms of the solidarity economy such as community gardens and worker cooperatives. My research appeared in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Geoforum, Europe-Asia Studies, Environment and Planning A, Cartographica, Urban Geography, and Gender, Place, and Culture as well as in many edited volumes. I co-edited a book Rethinking Neoliberalism: Resisting the Disciplinary Regime to which I also contributed a chapter on normalization of poverty in Russia through metrics. Currently, I am completing a book on Solidarity Cities with my solidarity economy colleagues.

Research Interests:

Urban geography, social theory, diverse economies, multiple economies in post-socialism, Russia, gender and feminist geography, GIS (geographic information systems), critical GIS, work-related mobility, ethical and solidarity economy

Academic Positions:

2014 - current

Professor, Department of Geography, Hunter College;
Ph.D. program in Earth and Environmental Sciences, CUNY Graduate Center

2004-2014 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Hunter College;
Ph.D. program in Earth and Environmental Sciences, CUNY Graduate Center
1998-2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hunter College
1997-1998 Visiting Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University



Ph.D. 1998 Clark University, Worcester MA, Geography
M.A. 1987 Moscow State University, Russia, Geography

Courses Taught:

  • GEOG 101 People and their environment
  • GEOG 243 Urban geography
  • GEOG 278 Geography of Russia and Central Asia
  • GEOG 708 Geographies of Urban Space
  • EES 70900 / GEOG 701 Geographic Thought & Theory
  • GTECH 385.02 / GTECH 785.02 / EES 799.03 GIS Applications in Social geography

Personal Website: