BA/MA Environmental Studies & Earth Science


This is a program leading to a BA in Environmental Studies and an MA in Adolescent Education: Earth Science. This program is designed for highly qualified Environmental Studies (Earth Science concentration, ENV-ES) majors who, during the course of their sophomore year, decide to pursue a career in secondary school teaching. The five-year BA/MA program will ensure that these students receive all of their pedagogical and disciplinary training before entering the classroom to teach.

The program consists of coursework that include courses in STEM disciplines, Environmental and Earth Science (undergraduate and graduate) and Education. The Environmental Earth Science credits required, both core and electives emphasize geological systems and atmospheric and oceanic environments.

Students interested in the program should speak to the undergraduate adviser of the Environmental Studies Major housed in the Department of Geography and Environmenal Science.

Program Requirements in BA / MA ENV-ES

Please refer to Hunter College's Catalog

Guidance on Admission Requirements from the MA-TEP Earth Science Advisor:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a GPA of at least 3.0.

  2. A major of at least 30 credits in the liberal arts or sciences.

  3. At least 21 credits in geology, astronomy, physical geography, earth science, or environmental science, that include courses in introductory geology with a lab, astronomy with a lab, and weather and climate /meteorology with a lab.

  4. General education core in the liberal arts and sciences to include: artistic expression; communication; information retrieval; concepts in history and social sciences; humanities; a language other than English; scientific and mathematical processes; and written analysis and expression.

  5. Two professional references.

  6. A personal statement.

  7. Submission of official score report on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), except applicants who are certified teachers or school administrators and hold a graduate degree.

Sample Curriculum Guide for the combined major with recommended sequence of courses:

  Fall Spring Summer
Year 1 • MATH 12500
• CHEM 10200 or BIOL 10000*

PGEOG 13000
• CHEM 10400 or BIOL 10200
• CHEM 10600

GEOL 18000
• Students are encouraged to
complete Calculus I and a statistics course (STAT 21300 is recommended)
Year 2 GEOG 22600
GEOL 10000
GEOL 10100

ASTRO 10000
ASTRO 10200
GTECH 20100


Year 3

GEOL 28000
PGEOG 25000

• SEDF 70300
GEOL 20500
PGEOG 25100

• SEDF 70400
• SEDC 71000
PGEOG 49000 or PGEOG 49800 (Env. Studies capstone course, 3 credits)

• SEDC 72000 - Winter
Year 4 2 300-level Env. Studies Earth Sci. Major electives (6 credits)

• PGEOG 700-level either global change or sustainability course

• SEDF 70500
2 300-level Env. Studies Earth Sci. Major electives (6 credits)

PGEOG 63000**
PGEOG 66000**

• SEDF 70600
• SEDC 71300 Methods I
Year 5

• SEDC 72400 Methods II

PGEOG 70563 - Earth Science Today**†

• SEDC 75404 student teaching

PGEOG elective (Grad - 3 credits)


* BIOL 10000 requires CHEM 10200. In addition students taking BIOL 10000 must take BIOL 10200 to get credit for both courses.

** Taken when offered. Might be in separate semesters.

† Typically completed as an independent study with MA-TEP Earth Science Advisor.

Scheduling of certain courses may vary from one year to the next based on demand, enrollment, or faculty commitment. Students should check the Registrar’s Searchable Schedule of Classes when planning course loads.