Full-time Faculty

   Sean Ahearn
Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information (CARSI)
  Email: sahearn@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5327
Office: 1026 HN
  Interests: Agent-based models, space-time analysis, digital image analysis, ecological modeling, emergency response, urban geographic systems
  Jochen Albrecht
Professor and Graduate Geography Advisor;
  Email: jochen.albrecht@gmail.com (preferred) or jochen@hunter.cuny.edu
Geography Graduate Advising Email: jochen.albrecht@gmail.com
Office: 1030 HN
  Interests: Dynamic or process GIS, spatio-temporal analysis, landscape ecology, crime and health applications
  Frank Buonaiuto
Associate Professor
  Email: fbuonaiu@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-650-3092
Office: 1049 HN
  Interests: Oceanography, coastal processes, numerical modeling of waves, tides and sediment transport
  Geoffrey Fouad
Doctoral Lecturer, and Undergraduate Geography and Environmental Studies Advisor

Email: gf1015@hunter.cuny.edu
Geography Major Advising Email: geogmajor@hunter.cuny.edu
ES Major Advising Email: esmajor@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-650-3591
Office:1044 HN

  Interests: Water resources, wetlands, groundwater, streamflow, water quality, geographic information systems and statistical modeling
  Allan Frei
Professor and Deputy Director, Center for Sustainable Cities (formerly the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities)
  Email: afrei@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5322
Office: 1005 HN
  Interests: Climate change, snow and water resources, modeling
  Hongmian Gong
  Email: gong@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-4658
Office: 1050 HN
  Interests: Urban geography, GIS, transportation
  Mohamed Ibrahim
Associate Professor
  Email: mibrahim@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5267
Office: 1048 HN
  Interests: Environmental studies, resource management, sustainable and international development, water supply, sanitation and hygiene education, Africa, cultural climatology, urban geography
  Peter Marcotullio
Chair and Professor; and Director, Center for Sustainable Cities (formerly the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities)
  Email: peter.marcotullio@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5264
Office: 1003E HN
  Interests: Development and urban environmental change with a regional focus on East and South-east Asia, urbanization and the environment and urban and regional environmental planning
  Ines Miyares
  Email: imiyares@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5443
Office: 1045 HN
  Interests: Geographies of immigration and ethnicity, geographies of Latinos in the U.S., ethnic identity political ecologies of Hawaii, diversifying geography/geosciences
  Alex A. Moulton
Assistant Professor

Email: am16981@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-650-3534
Office: 1025A HN

  Interests: The Caribbean, Black geographies, race and ethnicity, political ecology, cultural geography, human dimensions of global environmental change, resilience
  Wenge Ni-Meister
  Email: Wenge.Ni-Meister@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5321
Office: 1029 HN
  Interests: Remote sensing, land-atmosphere interaction, meteorology, climatology, biogeography
  Marianna Pavlovskaya
  Email: mpavlov@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5320
Office: 1003F HN
  Interests: Urban geography, social theory, diverse economies, multiple economies in post-socialism, Russia, gender and feminist geography, GIS (geographic information systems), critical GIS, work-related mobility, ethical and solidarity economy
  Shruti Philips
Doctoral Lecturer; Rocks and Minerals Coordinator; and MA-TEP Earth Science Advisor
  Email: shruti.philips@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5413
Office: 1041 HN
  Interests: Marine geology, earth-life system, paleoceanography, long-term climate change, large igneous provinces, carbonates and evaporites
  Andrew Reinmann
Assistant Professor
  Email: areinmann@gc.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5323
Office:1039 HN
  Interests: Environmental change, climate change, urbanization, and land cover change
  Randye Rutberg
Assistant Professor
  Email: randye.rutberg@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5326
Office: 1043 HN
  Interests: Paleoclimatology, oceanography, geochemistry, environmental science, environmental public policy
  Haydee Salmun
Associate Professor
  Email: hsalmun@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-5224
Office: 1035 HN
  Interests: Oceanography, global climate, environmental fluid dynamics, land surface-atmosphere-ocean interface
  William Solecki
Professor and Founder Director, Emeritus, Center for Sustainable Cities (formerly the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities)
  Email: wsolecki@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-772-4536
Office: 1003D HN
  Interests: Urban environmental change, resilience, and adaptation transitions
  Shipeng Sun
Assistant Professor; Assistant Director, Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information (CARSI); and Spatial Data Science Certificate Advisor; GIS Certificate Advisor; MGEOi Advisor;
  Email: shipeng.sun@hunter.cuny.edu
Phone: 212-396-6039
Office: 1025B HN
  Interests: GIScience, geovisualization, GIS algorithms, geospatial network analysis, agent-based complexity modeling, and urban and coupled human-environment systems
  Charles Vörösmarty

  Email: cvorosmarty@gmail.com
Phone: 212-772-5450
Office: 1217 HE
  Interests: Modeling of water balance in river systems, impacts of large-scale water engineering